IT Security Outsourced IT

Intentional Electromagnetic Interference

What is Intentional Electromagnetic Interference? Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is all around us, in both natural and man-made forms. EMI is unwanted noise or interference in an electrical path or circuit that is caused by an outside source. EMI can cause electronics to malfunction or to fail. Examples of EMI sources include lightning, solar flares, radio […]

IT Security

Enterprise Threats from Social Media Phishing

What are Enterprise Threats from Social Media Phishing? Social media phishing refers to a cyberattack executed through social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. The purpose of social media cyberattacks are to steal personal data or to gain control of social media accounts. Social media phishing cyberattacks are a type of social […]

Application Security

Parameter Tampering

What is Parameter Tampering? Parameter tampering is a type of web-based cyberattack where the parameters exchanged between client and server are manipulated in order to modify application data. Application data such as user credentials, permissions, and prices and quantities of products are often stored in cookies, hidden form fields, or URL Query Strings to increase […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Ransomware Attacks: Busy Seasons and Holidays

What are Busy Seasons for Ransomware Attacks? There has been a rise in ransomware attacks on agricultural cooperatives and the FBI has warned that ransomware attacks are more likely to strike agricultural cooperatives during critical planting and harvesting seasons.1 As ransomware attacks are likely to disrupt operations, cause financial loss, and negatively impact the food […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Network Segmentation

What is Network Segmentation? Network segmentation is a process of dividing a network into multiple zones and applying specific security protocols to each zone. The primary goal of network segmentation is to have increased control over the management of security and compliance. Network segmentation, also known as network partitioning or network isolation, makes it difficult […]

IT Security


What is Hacktivism? Hacktivism, a portmanteau of “hacking” and “activism”, refers to the misuse of a device or the internet, primarily through the hacking of unauthorized networks, with the purpose of questioning, provoking, or challenging governments, organizations, companies, or individuals that they may view as unjust or as obstructions in the way of their particular […]

Application Security

Data Silos

What are Data Silos? A data silo is a repository of information in a department or application that is inaccessible or not fully accessible by other departments or applications in an information system. An example of siloed data is an information system that has finance, administration, HR, and marketing departments storing their data in different […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Script Kiddies

What are Script Kiddies? Script kiddies is a term that dates back to the 90s and refers to novice hackers. Not all novice hackers are referred to as script kiddies, however. Many novice hackers make efforts to educate themselves about the hacking tools and resources that they are using. In contrast, script kiddies are novice […]


Sales Funnel

What is a Sales Funnel? A sales funnel is a marketing concept that maps the journey of a customer through a purchase process. The model of the funnel is used to depict the large number of potential customers (prospects) at the beginning of the purchase process, but only a few reach the narrow end of […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Security Analytics

What is Security Analytics? Security analytics is an approach to cybersecurity that detects potential threats to IT systems through a combination of data collection, data aggregation, software, algorithms, and analytic processes. Security analytics applications use real-time data and historical data for threat detection and diagnosis. Sources of data include: Security analysts can incorporate different combinations […]