Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT Websites

Secure Coding

How are Web Applications Securely Coded? As organizations become more mindful of the critical role of cybersecurity in their business, they are increasingly interested in web application development with security at the forefront. A savvy developer with a security mindset will engage in coding practices such as the following recommendations from the Open Web Application […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

IT Monitoring

What is IT Monitoring? IT monitoring is the process of gathering metrics about the operations of an IT environment’s hardware and software to ensure that the equipment is available and performing to the level expected and necessary to maintain your business. This is achieved by using trends to validate infrastructure updates before applications or services […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Enterprise Wi-Fi Network Security

What is Enterprise Network Security? Enterprise network security is the protection of a network that connects the systems, mainframes, and devices within an enterprise. Wireless networks (Wi-Fi) are vulnerable to cyberattacks as they lack many of the robust security tools that secure wired networks, such as firewalls, intrusion protection systems, content filters, and antivirus and […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

Security Misconfigurations

What are Security Misconfigurations? Security misconfigurations are a result of security settings not being defined or implemented, and default values are maintained. This typically means that configuration settings do not comply with industry security standards which are critical to maintaining security and reducing risk. Security misconfigurations happen most often when a system administrator or database […]

Application Security IT Security

Security Risks in Remote Team Productivity Apps

What are the Security Risks of Remote Productivity Apps? Due to the rise in remote working, more of us than ever are utilizing productivity application to facilitate meetings, to collaborate, and to share files and information. While productivity apps such as Slack and Teams have robust security features, there are still many potential vulnerabilities that […]

IT Security Outsourced IT


What is a Security.txt File? Organizations adopt a wide variety of disclosure policies and cybersecurity practices, but these are often a mystery to the security researchers tasked with informing an organization about security vulnerabilities or data leaks. A common scenario is a security researcher finding sensitive information from an organization for sale on the dark […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Cybersecurity Threats from Software Piracy

What are the Cybersecurity Threats from Software Piracy? The growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has been explosive, as smart devices such as tablets, phones, and wearables are increasingly prevalent in more and more aspects of daily living and are also utilized more often by employees for remote working. While these devices add flexibility […]

Application Security IT Security Websites

WordPress Security

What Security Features Protect WordPress? WordPress takes security on their platform seriously, but that does not mean that your organization does not carry a heavy load of responsibility for ensuring that your WordPress site is protected from security vulnerabilities. The following are aspects of your WordPress environment that will need attention in order to ensure […]


Web Accessibility: Typefaces and Fonts

How are Websites Designed for Web Accessibility? Guideline 3.1 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) states that text content must be readable and understandable. 1 What this entails in terms of typefaces and fonts for your accessible website is far more nuanced than you might think. Typefaces are groups of designed text characters such […]


WordPress Features for Business

What are Some of the Business Features of WordPress? WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform that focuses on aesthetics, web standards, and usability, and WordPress powers more than 37%1 of the top 10k websites in the United States. It’s a powerhouse. WordPress is the most well-known and most popular Content Management System (CMS) […]