What is Simplified Cybersecurity? Complexity has increasingly become a problem for cybersecurity in organizations of all sizes. With new cybersecurity threats emerging constantly, innumerable cybersecurity solutions are also constantly being introduced that aim to address them. Panaseer 2022 Security Leaders Peer Report found that the average number of security tools that organizations must manage rose […]
IP Address Trackers
What are IP Address Trackers? A geolocation IP address trackers refers to locating and identifying users base on their device’s IP address, which extracts users’ geographical location, city, region, time zone, and more. Every device, server, and website on a computer network is assigned a unique IP address, and when users communicate with other users, […]
What is Cybersecurity Culture? The cybersecurity culture of an organization encompasses the knowledge, awareness, attitudes, and behaviors of employees regarding cybersecurity, information technologies, and the cybersecurity threat landscape.1 Historically, cybersecurity approaches have been reactive, with employees coming forward with potential issues, such as phishing emails, and then cybersecurity professionals were summarily deployed to address those […]
Logic Bomb
What is a Logic Bomb? A logic bomb is a piece of malicious code that cyberattackers insert into an operating system or software that lies dormant until a specific condition is met. The conditions could be set to a pre-selected date/time (also known as a time bomb) or they could be set to be activated […]
What is Cybersecurity for Operational Technology? Operational technology (OT) encompasses a broad range of programmable systems or devices that interact with physical environment (or manage devices that interact with the physical environment.)1 These systems and devices detect or cause a direct change through the monitoring and/or control of devices, processes, and events. Examples of OT […]
Dropper Malware
What is Dropper Malware? Droppers are a type of Trojan that installs other malware once it is present in a system. They are named droppers because they ‘drop’ malware and malware components into an already-compromised system. A dropper’s payload often contains more Trojans. Some droppers contain a single malicious program, but many contain multiple malware […]
Artificial Neural Networks
What are Artificial Neural Networks? Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are a subset of machine learning and are at the core of deep learning algorithms. The structure and name are inspired by the way that biological neurons signal to one another in the human brain. ANNs are comprised of node (artificial neuron) layers that contain an […]
What is Web3? Web3 is a catch-all term for the still-developing idea for a third generation of the web. To briefly review the first two generations1: Web 1.0: Read-Only (1990-2004). At CERN, Geneva in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee was developing protocols that would become the World Wide Web, with an aim to create open, decentralized protocols […]
Database Security
What is Database Security? Database security include a range of tools, processes, and methodologies designed to protect database management systems from cyberattacks. Database security programs protect the data within the database, as well as the data management system and all applications that access it, from unauthorized access, intrusion, misuse, and damage. The following are database […]
GDPR Violation Case
What is an examples of a GDPR Violation Case? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a privacy and security law from the European Union (EU) that imposes obligations anywhere in the world where data from EU citizens is targeted and/or collected. The GDPR will levy harsh fines against those who violate their privacy and […]