IT Security Outsourced IT


What are Deepfakes? Deepfakes, a combination of “deep learning” and “fake”, are hyper-realistic videos, images, and sounds that are digitally manipulated to create people or events that do not exist, or to depict people saying and doing things that never actually happened. Deepfakes rely on neural networks that analyze large sets of data samples to […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Threats

What are Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Threats? As machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) become more prevalent in our daily lives and digital world, it is important to consider the concerns associated with adopting these technologies. The following are security risks to be aware of: Data poisoning and model poisoning. ML systems rely […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Artificial Neural Networks

What are Artificial Neural Networks? Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are a subset of machine learning and are at the core of deep learning algorithms. The structure and name are inspired by the way that biological neurons signal to one another in the human brain. ANNs are comprised of node (artificial neuron) layers that contain an […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

What is AI in Cybersecurity? Artificial intelligence (AI) has both advantages and challenges in cybersecurity. AI is a powerful cybersecurity tool, but it does have its limitations, and cyberattackers work tirelessly to find new ways to leverage its power for their cybercrimes. AI improves cybersecurity in the following ways: Vulnerability management. Traditional vulnerability databases manage […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Enterprise AI

What is Enterprise AI? Artificial intelligence (AI) is the field of technology that enables machines to automatically perform tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence. AI can also encompass deep learning, which is capable of making connections and reaching meaning without relying on predefined algorithms, but instead learns from experience and uses raw data as […]