Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

Employee Offboarding Cybersecurity Risks

What are Employee Offboarding Cybersecurity Risks? Employee offboarding is the process of formally separating an employee from an organization due to retirement, resignation, termination, illness, or death. Employee offboarding encompasses all of the decisions and processes involved in this separation, including transferring the employee’s job responsibilities, deactivating access permissions, deactivating passwords, returning equipment and supplies, […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

IT Steps for Employee Offboarding

What are Steps to Take for Employee Offboarding? Establishing and following an IT protocol for offboarding employees is a critical, but often overlooked, cybersecurity protection activity. More often than not, an organization cannot predict how/why/when an employee will exit the organization, so having a plan in place that can be applied in any kind of […]