Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT Websites


What is Spamdexing? Spamdexing is a spam technique that you have likely encountered, but perhaps did not know there was a term for. Spamdexing, or SEO spam malware, refers to techniques employed by some web designers and web marketers aimed at fooling search engine indexing programs with the objective of ensuring that their website appears […]

Outsourced IT

Project Management as a Service

What is PMaaS? The objective of a project management office (PMO) is to ensure that projects are delivered on schedule and on budget in order to assure effectiveness and efficiency in their business operations. Businesses design PMO models based on many considerations and variables, and then applies strategies based on well-defined methodologies that may include […]

Outsourced IT

Outsourcing HR Functions

What are Outsourced HR Functions? HR professionals perform many essential functions within an organization, making their time a valuable commodity. Fortunately, there are many solutions available to outsource certain HR functions, allowing HR professionals to focus on more strategic endeavors. HR outsourcing is a contractual agreement between an employer and a third-party provider to assume […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Web Skimming

What is Web Skimming? The term “skimming” has generally referred to the illicit financial accounting procedure of returning lower invoice totals than were actually collected, allowing criminals to “skim” money off the top of the invoice. Web skimming refers to a hacking technique that targets digital businesses by manipulating client-side web applications to steal their […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

Spear Phishing

What is Spear Phishing? Phishing and spear phishing cyberattacks are quite common. Phishing cyberattacks are undertaken by emailing very large numbers of recipients, often randomly, with the expectation that a small percentage of them will respond, enabling the cyberattacker to carry out their agenda which may be to install malware or to redirect the users […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT Websites

Payment Orchestration

What is Payment Orchestration? Payment orchestration platforms (POPs), or payments orchestration layer (POL), are platforms that simplify the integration between websites and payment service providers (PSPs). POPs allow for your website to utilize just one platform to connect to multiple payment processors. By increasing the number of payment methods that you accept, you can increase […]

Government IT Security

National Risk Management and Cybersecurity

What is National Risk Management? The National Risk Management Center (NRMC) is the planning, analysis, and collaboration center within the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), leading strategic risk reduction efforts for the nation1. Sources of strategic risk are widespread and include cyber and physical attacks, supply chain vulnerabilities, malicious exploits of emerging technology, nation-state […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Email Security

What is Email Security? Email security refers to the various procedures and techniques for protecting email accounts, content, and communication against loss, compromise, and unauthorized access. Cyberattackers often use email to spread malware, spam, and to conduct phishing attacks by using deceptive messages that persuade users to open attachments laden with malware, to click on […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

Location-Based Services

What are Location-Based Services? Location-based services (LBS) use real-time geolocation data from mobile devices to provide information, security, and/or entertainment. Using a mobile device, even powering it on, exposes location data.1 Mobile devices connect to cellular providers and networks, and when they do the cellular provider receives real-time location information. This information can be used […]

Application Security Backup & Disaster Recovery IT Security Outsourced IT

Data Centers Explained

What are Data Centers? Data centers are physical facilities that organizations use to house their critical and proprietary assets. Data centers are designed to centralize an organization’s shared IT operations and equipment for the purposes of storing, processing, and disseminating applications and data. Data centers are essential to the continuity of daily operations, so their […]