IT Security Websites

Buffer Overflow Attack

What is a Buffer Overflow Attack? In a buffer overflow attack, an application receives more input than it expects, which results in an error that exposes the system memory to malicious threats. While the buffer overflow is not a cause of damage, it does create a vulnerability that can be exploited by cyberattackers. One method […]


Essential Website Features for Small Business

What are Essential Business Features for Small Business? With easy access to social media applications, small business owners sometimes think that a website is unnecessary. The fact is, people interested in your products and services are not all tied to one or two particular applications, and a website provides a central location for information about […]


Error Pages

What are Error Pages? The origin story of the 404 page goes back to the 1980s in Switzerland where scientists at CERN worked on the development of the world wide web1. They worked on the fourth floor, the same floor that held the central database in room “404”, where they were tasked with responding to […]