Government IT Security Outsourced IT

HIPAA Administrative Safeguards

What are HIPAA Administrative Safeguards? The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA, PL104-191) was enacted to protect the privacy and availability of health insurance coverage and medical information. The law’s primary goals include protecting health insurance coverage for workers and their families in the event that the insured employee changes or loses […]

Government IT Security Outsourced IT

Inadvertent Disclosures under HIPAA

What is an Inadvertent Disclosure under HIPAA? An inadvertent disclosure is an event where a health professional unintentionally reveals protected health information (PHI) to an unauthorized person by mistake. Generally, if PHI is disclosed to unauthorized personnel, a breach of PHI is presumed to have occurred. Depending on the size of the unauthorized disclosure, HHS […]