
Brand Identity and Website Design

The terms brand, branding, and brand identity are often used interchangeably, but they are actually different aspects of how your organization communicates who it is and what it stands for. Brand. Brand is the meaning that people attach to your organization, product, or service. Branding. Branding is the management of the brand’s meaning. Brand identity. […]

Application Security Outsourced IT Websites

Ultrafast Website hosting with AWS

AWS Hosting Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s largest cloud computing platform, made up of over 200 different cloud data services that are housed in data centers around the globe. AWS’s three main products are Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Glacier (a virtual machine service), and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). AWS accounts for […]

IT Security Outsourced IT

Understaffed Cybersecurity Teams

If your organization is struggling to keep cybersecurity professionals on staff, you are not alone. According to reports from the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), the cybersecurity workforce is struggling to hire and retain qualified cybersecurity professionals1. Their latest survey report notes that sixty-three percent of respondents indicated that they have unfilled cybersecurity […]

Application Security IT Security Websites

Password Security

Password fatigue refers to the feeling experienced by many people who are required to remember an excessive amount of password as part of their daily routine. It is not uncommon for people to deal with these feelings by creating a password that meets many common minimum password requirements, such as being at least 8 characters […]


Color Selections for Accessibility

Websites and web tools that are designed and coded so that people with disabilities can use them are referred to as web accessible websites. According to W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)1, web accessibility refers to websites, tools, and technologies designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. This utilization encompasses the ways […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

Cryptojacking Defense

Cryptojacking is a term for illicit cryptocurrency mining. This cyberattack can impact individuals as well as organizations of all sizes. This article will explore this threat and what you can do about it. Cryptocurrency You have likely heard of cryptocurrency and fall somewhere along the spectrum of cryptocurrency being an important presence in your day-to-day […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

Social Engineering Penetration Testing

Penetration testing attempts to exploit vulnerabilities in systems, networks, human resources, or physical assets in order to test the effectiveness of security controls. Social engineering is the psychological manipulation of people to prompt them into performing certain actions or divulging sensitive information. Social engineering penetration testing, then, uses different forms of social engineering attacks to […]

Application Security IT Security

Defend Against Package Delivery Scams

The increase in online shopping during the pandemic paralleled an increase in complaints to the FCC regarding delivery notification scam calls and texts aimed at stealing victims’ personal information and money.1 Many package delivery scams begin with a text message or an email regarding a package delivery to your address. These messages often contain a […]

IT Security

5 Cs of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks. Software as a Service (SaaS) for security is an outsourced service where an outside organization handles and manages your security. SaaS for security addresses the key security needs and concerns of organizations through the “5 Cs” of strategic importance to organizations1: […]

IT Security

Secure Video Conferencing

Many of us who had little to no video conferencing experience were forced to learn on the fly during the pandemic. We hastily set up workstations and fumbled through the process of installing webcams and video conferencing apps, and then it was go-time. Once our technology is functional, it is unlikely that we will go […]