Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT


What is Bossware? Bossware is software to be aware of, whether you have a boss, or the boss is you. Bossware is a term that encompasses any form of employee productivity or performance monitoring software. The pandemic saw a dramatic rise in remote work and a concurrent rise in the number of employers wanting assurances […]

IT Security Outsourced IT


What are Botnets? The term “botnet” is a portmanteau of the words “robot” and “network.” Botnets are networks of hijacked computer devices used by cyberattackers to carry out their cyberattacks. A botnet is controlled by a “bot herder” who operates the botnet infrastructure and uses the hijacked computers to launch cyberattacks that are designed to […]


Semantic SEO

What is Semantic Search? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is important for website owners, as it allows their web pages to be found through Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). It is well known that “keywords” are important elements for SEO, but what is also important is having a website that is structured or “marked up” with […]


Web Development for Browser Compatibility

What is Cross-Browser Compatibility? Cross-browser compatibility describes the issues and strategies behind making sure that websites and applications look and behave in a consistent manner across as many browsers and platforms as possible.1 With more and more devices, operating systems, and browsers being used to access websites and applications, support for all of these has […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

Cybersecurity for Security Cameras

What is Security Camera Cybersecurity? Security cameras are becoming increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, and they pose unique security risks. Whether you are using the devices in enterprise or privately, their presence does pose security concerns that you need to be aware of. There are three types of security cameras: Traditional analog CCTV systems. […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

Mobile Phishing

What is Mobile Phishing? Phishing cyberattacks are increasingly targeting mobile devices, as these types of cyberattacks are effective and relatively simple to launch. In a mobile phishing cyberattack, the cyberattacker may harvest credentials to gain access to corporate or personal resources. Corporate access can be used for stealing personal data, and personal access can also […]

Application Security IT Security Outsourced IT

Secure File-Sharing

What is Secure File-Sharing? Online file-sharing has become increasingly common due to the availability of cloud storage services. File-sharing refers to sharing or providing access to computer files over a network. File types that can be shared may include documents, audio files, video files, graphics, computer programs, e-books, or presentations. File-sharing allows people to use […]


Adaptive Web Design

What is Adaptive Web Design? Adaptive web design refers to the creation of different pages for different types of devices. In order to accomplish this, web designers create multiple graphical user interfaces (GUI) capable of contextual adjustment based on screen size. When a visitor arrives to the website, the most appropriate size is selected and […]

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Cloud Disaster Recovery

What is Cloud Disaster Recovery? Cloud disaster recover (Cloud DR) refers to a number of strategies and services intended to back up data, applications, and other resources to a public cloud or dedicated service provider.1 When a disaster occurs, the affected data, applications, and resources can be restored to the local data center or cloud […]

Application Security Outsourced IT

Internal Communication Solutions

What are Internal Communication Solutions? The dramatic shift in today’s workforce from on-site to remote work has put a spotlight on enterprise communication. Internal communication may have not been an aspect of your organization that had received much attention until, suddenly, employees needed new platforms and strategies to keep their many communication channels open, active, […]